2013 PAN JIU-JITSU CHAMPIONSHIP March 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 2013

[youtube width="420" height="315" video_id="PPeFpTE9u6Q"] DATE: March 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 2013 ADDRESS: University California Irvine 100 Bren event center Irvine, California 92617 USA Due technical issues, we are extending the registration deadline till March 13 11:59 pm - pacific time REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 12/Mar/2013 13/Mar/2013 ATHLETE CORRECTION DEADLINE: 13/Mar/2013 REGISTRATION CHECK DAY: 17/Mar/2013 PRICES: $90.00 by 22/Feb/2013 $115.00 by 3/Mar/2013 $125.00 by 12/Mar/2013 Check our Hotel Deals Athletes affiliation and Academy registration deadline: 5/Mar/2013 All Juvenile,  athletes must be properly affiliated for the current year in order to be eligible to register in the event and compete All brown and black belt athletes must be properly affiliated for the current year in order to be eligible to register in the event and compete All academies must be registered in order for its students to register in the competition. All the documentation must be sent properly filled and signed as instructed on the e-mail received when soliciting your affiliation online. Juveniles, Brown and Black belts with pending and/or incorrect documentation won't be able to register for the tournament, as they need to have their request approved first. For information about how to become a member or renew your membership please access:http://www.ibjjf.org/member.htm For more information on how to register your academy please access: http://www.ibjjf.org/school.htm COACH AREA AT PAN 2013 (FOR BLACK BELTS ONLY) At the Pan Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2013, IBJJF will have a reserved area around the competition perimeter for coaches access only. To have access to reserved area, the coaches must be a Black belt registered with CBJJ (Brazil), USBJJF (USA), BJJFJ (Japan), FPJJB (Portugal), UIJJ (Italia), IBJJF (other countries) with the membership ID valid for 2013. During adult black belts Semi-finals and finals, IBJJF will allow each competitor to have one coach in the mats area. See the Coach conduct code For more information on how to became a member or renew the membership ID: http://www.ibjjf.org/member.htm See the Coach conduct code BLACK BELT ADULT DIVISION During the Pan 2013 it is mandatory for all the athletes registered in the black belt adult division to have 2 kimonos (one white and one blue) ready to use during the event.  

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